Designated AreaMigration Agreement (DAMA)

The Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) is a tailored migration program designed to address specific labour shortages in designated regions of Australia. DAMAs allow employers in these regions to sponsor skilled and semi-skilled overseas workers for positions that cannot be filled by local Australians.

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Key features of DAMAs include:

Regional Focus:

DAMAs target specific regions experiencing labour shortages, including rural and remote areas as well as cities facing unique economic challenges.

Occupation Flexibility:

DAMAs offer flexibility in the types of occupations that can be sponsored, allowing for a wider range of skilled and semi-skilled workers to be eligible for sponsorship.

Labour Agreement:

Employers in DAMA regions enter into labour agreements with the Australian government, outlining the terms and conditions for sponsoring overseas workers under the DAMA program.

Streamlined Process:

DAMAs provide a streamlined pathway for employers to sponsor overseas workers, with simplified visa processes and reduced administrative requirements.

English Language and Salary Concessions:

DAMAs may offer concessions on English language requirements and salary thresholds, making it easier for employers to access overseas talent.

Pathways to Permanent Residency:

Depending on the specific DAMA arrangement, workers sponsored under DAMAs may have pathways to permanent residency in Australia, providing opportunities for long-term settlement.

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Passport with flight tickets on white background illustration

OSVC specialises in assisting employers and workers navigate the DAMA process, providing expert guidance on eligibility requirements, application procedures, and compliance obligations. With our support, employers can address their workforce needs more effectively, while overseas workers can access opportunities for employment and potential permanent residency in designated areas of Australia.